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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ladytron Will Always Trump Crappiness

Going to a show on a weeknight is probably not a good idea for me, unless I suddenly decide that being exhausted to the point of nausea the next morning at work is an AWESOME feeling. Also, since I tend to go to sleep much earlier than most people my age, I probably do not have enough emotional fortitude after 11 PM to deal with fans who scream things at the women on stage such as "That bitch is hot!" and "I want to have sex with you!" Oh, and then there was the girl in the boy scout top who kept gyrating and SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS, much to the delight of her friends who would GIVE EACH OTHER HIGH FIVES every time she screamed particularly loud.

But I love Ladytron. And that is why I did not kill anyone on Thursday night at the Henry Fonda Theater. As you can see, I am a stickler for show etiquette, and initiating a blood bath while a band is performing would be in poor taste. Here are pictures from the last time I saw Ladytron at UCLA, which was lovely:

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