It's the only retort you'll ever need!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Reality Check

Every day when I read the news, I briefly consider whether all of the pictures and descriptions of carnage are doctored by sinister forces who are trying to make me really, really sad. This fleeting thought makes me realize that (a) I can be incredibly self-centered, at times to a psychotic degree; and (b) I really need to GO SOMEWHERE and witness a world outside of my contained little life. And even more, I need to not forget the things I HAVE seen. I cannot watch any kind of horror movie, no matter how ridiculous, because I actually fear that a leprechaun or doll or dude with a hockey mask will come through the television screen and slice me up into pieces and dip those pieces in acid. However, all of the images from my trips to India and even while I walk around downtown LA prick at my conscience for a second or a minute and might even cause me to pony up a few rupees or a dollar to someone in need, but then the experience fades away into non-reality.

Ergh. A readjustment of the brain is in order!


Anonymous said...

we're gross aren't we? gluttonous, materialistic, and hedonistic. eeew. but at least we are aware of it and hopefully the guilt won't overshadow the real work that we need to do in this oh so fucked up world.

Anonymous said...

Ok just think of me.