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Monday, March 03, 2008

Soap Operas as Emotional Fortification

Everyone has a "thing" that gets them through traumatic experience and major life upheavals. Mine is more of a formula, consisting of hot chocolate, playing the same song over and over again, buying shoes, and last but not least, Korean dramas.

Am I of Korean descent? No. But that doesn't make it weird. As an Indian American, a lot of the cultural issues resonate with me. And beyond that, a great fear of displeasing one's elders and a propensity to fall in love with someone who isn't a very appropriate match are themes that transcend borders. Plus I love the fashion and learning bits and pieces of the Korean language. I swear, my aunt is practically fluent. She anticipates words in Korean based on the English subtitles before the actors even have a chance to say their lines.

I've already used one series to get me through a nasty breakup. Thankfully, the end of this past relationship was nowhere near as devastating, but I am basically at a point where I am building my life up from scratch, and it is mildly terrifying. In a few days, I'll be packing up my few belongings and moving to my new living quarters, a room in a house with two people I've talked to for about fifteen minutes each. And one thing that is foremost in my mind is how the hell I am going to explain to these strangers that I need access to the Korean channel, and it's not something that's up for negotiation.

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